티스토리 뷰


올 크리스마스는 예년과는 많이 다른 느낌이지만 얼굴을 자유롭게 볼 수 없으니 카드나 따뜻한 메세지로 대체해야 할 것 같아요. 그래서 크리스마스 카드나 메세지에 적으면 좋을 만한 문구를 가지고 왔어요.

소중한 사람들에게 꼭 마음을 전하실 때 요긴하게 사용하셨으면 좋겠네요.


  • Wishing you and your family peace, health, happiness, and prosperity in the coming year. Merry Christmas.
  • Season's Greetings! Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season creating beautiful memories with your family.
  • May the Christmas Season bring happiness and joy to you and your family.
  • We miss you and hope to see you in 2021.
  • May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.
  • Warmest wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. May peace, love, and prosperity follow you always.


조금 길이가 짧은 문구에는 


  • Season’s Greetings! And best wishes for the New Year.
  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • Merry Christmas! And best wishes for 2021.
  • Happy 2021!



마지막으로 코로나의 상황에 T사용하기 좋은 크리스마 문구에는 

  • May the magic of the Christmas season fill your home with joy and peace. Sending lots of love to your family, and looking forward to the day we can see you again. Take care of yourselves and stay safe.
  • Wishing you a happy & healthy holiday season! Stay safe and take care.
  • It’s the best time of the year to wish you good health, peace and a good year ahead!


이 중 적절한 문구를 골라 아직 늦지 않았으니 내 주변에 있는 사람들에게 보내보는 건 어떨까요?